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第6期 总第119期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                 2023年12月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 565  ·
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                                  Risk community in public health emergency

                                            ——A case study of a community in Beijing
                                                   HUANG Jing,WANG Feihu
                                School of Sociology and Ethnology,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081,China
                   Abstract:Public health emergencies,represented by large⁃scale infectious diseases,are modern risks that
               pose life⁃threatening crises for human beings and bring social and cultural changes. Quarantine and isolation are
               crucial measures in epidemic prevention considered as a modern risk. Due to the regional lockdown,atomized
               modern individuals in urban areas are confined to the same community space and have developed spiritual
               connections and group identities,thus forming a risk community due to the common risks they face. Within the
               risk community,interpersonal solidarity and conflicts coexist,creating tensions caused by risk awareness.
               Externally,the risk community has clear boundaries but is also exclusive. In the Chinese context of risk
               response,the tension between the prudent expansion of the logic of state control and the narrowing of individual
               logic of defense at the boundary shapes the characteristics of this new form of interpersonal relationship,the
               risk community.
                   Key words:public health emergency;infectious disease;risk;risk community
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