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第42卷第7期             陈晓超,卜恒涛,梁 超,等. m5C甲基化相关基因预测肾透明细胞癌的预后[J].
                  2022年7月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2022,42(7):983-993                        ·991 ·

                A                                                  B
                     Complement and coagulaton
                               cascades                   3
                                                          6                                           Count
                     Fat digestion and absorption         8                                            4
                                                                     Proteoglycans in cancer
                                                          0.01                                         0.099
                       Cholesterol metabolism             0.02
                          Folate biosynthesis
                                    0.04  0.06  0.08  0.10                        0.12  0.14  0.16  0.18  0.20
                                          GeneRatio                                      GeneRatio
                C                                             D
                        humoral immune response                           response to steroid hormone
                  negative regulation of hydrolase activity            regulation of cell⁃substrate adhesion
                      defense response to bacterium                 positive regulation of cell⁃substrate adhesion
                       acute inflammatory response                      regulation of cell⁃matrix adhesion
                negative regulation of endopeptidase activity      positive regulation of focal adhesion assembly
                  negative regulation of peptidase activity    negative regulation of endothelial cell apoptotic process
                  regulation of humoral immune response         negative regulation of epithelial cell apoptotic process
                    regulation of complement activation              positive regulation of cell⁃matrix adhesion
                          acute⁃phase response                     regulation of endothelial cell apoptotic process
                    blood coagulation,intrinsic pathway               collagen⁃containing extracellular matrix
                           blood microparticle                             tertiary granule memgrane
                                                         Count                                               Count
                  collagen⁃containing extracellular matrix  3              specific granule membrane          1
                     high⁃density lipoprotein particle    6 9                 basement membrane               2 3
                                                                             positive regulation of
                       plasma lipoprotein particle        12 15        cell⁃substrate junction organization   4 5
                           lipoprotein particle           18                                                  6
                                                                               specific granule
                          protein⁃lipid complex           qvalue                                             qvalue
                                                                          platelet dense granule lumen
                         specific granule lumen           0.005        anchored component of exernal side     0.1
                                                                             of plasma membrane
                             chylomicron                  0.010                    exocyst                    0.2
                    very⁃low⁃density lipoprotein particle                    platelet dense granule
                triglyceride⁃rich plasma lipoprotein particle            intrinsic component of external
                                                                            side of plasma membrane
                        enzyme inhibitor activity                            carbohydrate binding
                                                                            transmembrane receptor
                     endopeptidase inhibitor activity                    protein tyrosine kinase activity
                       peptidase inhibitor activity                transmembrane receptor protein kinase activity
                     endopeptidase regulator activity                    protein tyrosine kinase activity
                       peptidase regulator activity                 G protein⁃coupled peptide receptor activity
                 serine⁃type⁃endopeptidase inhibitor activity               peptide regulator activity
                            heparin binding                                    heparin binding
                       monocarboxylic acid binding                             laminin binding
                           fatty acid binding                               peptide hormone binding
                         lipase inhibitor activity                          protein kinase A binding
                                     0.03  0.06  0.09   0.12                                0.05     0.10
                                             GeneRatio                                         GeneRatio
                                                   图6 GO和KEGG富集分析结果
                                           Figure 6 GO and KEGG enrichment analysis results
                化相关基因可能与肾透明细胞癌的预后相关。通                             最后,GO和KEGG富集分析验证这些m5c甲基化相
                过 Lasso⁃Cox 回归分析建立了由 NSUN5、NSUN6、                 关基因的主要生物学功能。总体而言,本研究结果
                DNMT3B和TET2 4个基因组成的生存预后模型,根                       表明 m5C 甲基化相关基因对肾透明细胞癌具有相
                据每个肾透明细胞癌患者风险值将样本分为高风                             对稳定的预测能力。
                险组和低风险组,观察发现,高风险组患者生存率                                目前,NSUN5、NSUN6、DNMT3B和TET2在肿瘤
                显著低于低风险组。这一结果提示,这 4 个基因可                          中的作用已被广泛研究。根据报道,NSUN5可以通
                以作为肾透明细胞癌的预测因子。接着先制作热                             过修饰真核rRNA来维持小鼠的蛋白质合成和正常
                图评估了4个m5C甲基化相关基因的临床参数,然                           的生长   [13] 。此外,NSUN5在结直肠癌肿瘤组织和细
                后通过单变量和多变量 Cox 回归分析确立了分级                          胞中表达上调,并通过促进细胞增殖,在体外触发
                和分期是肾透明细胞癌的独立预后因素。此外,                             细胞周期停滞进而促进肿瘤的生长                 [14] ;NSUN6可以
                GEPIA2 数据库分析发现这 4 种基因在肿瘤组中的                       通过调节 CDK10 参与有丝分裂纺锤体的组装进而
                表达均上调,而在cBioportal 数据库中发现这4种基                     影响胰腺癌细胞的增殖            [15] ,此外,NSUN6 可以通过
                因的表达量与拷贝数变异之间有关,这一结果显                             NELFB 和 RPS6KB2 相互作用来介导胶质母细胞瘤
                示,TET2、NSUN5、DNMT3B可能是由于其拷贝数的                     对替莫唑胺的反应         [16] ;另外有研究显示,DNMT3B能
                变异而对肾透明细胞癌的发生和进展产生影响。                             够与前列腺癌细胞中的转录抑制因子结合控制
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