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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                 第43卷第11期
               ·1610 ·                    Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)  2023年11月

             ·综 述·


              李   潇,雷铁池     *
              武汉大学人民医院皮肤科,湖北 武汉               430060

             [摘    要] 雄激素性脱发(androgenetic alopecia,AGA)又称为脂溢性脱发,是临床上最常见的脱发类型,毛囊微型化是该病发
              胞(dermal papilla cell,DPC)分泌毛囊抑制因子、DPC发生凋亡和自噬障碍,另一方面通过毛周微循环形成障碍、毛囊干细胞的
             [关键词] 二氢睾酮;真皮乳头;毛囊微型化;毛囊干细胞
             [中图分类号] R753.3                   [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)11⁃1610⁃07

              Mechanism of hair follicle miniaturization and update progress

              LI Xiao,LEI Tiechi *
              Department of Dermatology,Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University,Wuhan 430060,China

             [Abstract] Androgenic alopecia(AGA),also termed as seborrheic alopecia,is the most common type of clinical alopecia,and the
              hair follicle miniaturization acts as a main clinical manifestation of AGA. Currently it has been considered that many reasons can
              induce hair follicle miniaturization. On the one hand,they promote dermal papilla cells of scalp hair follicle to secrete hair follicle
              inhibitory factor,and to have apoptosis and autophagy disorder;on the other hand,they destroy microvasculature surrounding the
              dermal papilla,and also cause depletion and fibrosis of hair follicle stem cells and dermal sheath cells,eventually causing the gradual
              transition from the initial terminal hair to thin pili. This review discusses the update mechanism of hair follicle miniaturization resulting
              from distinct type of hair negative factors and holds substantial promise for the future treatment of AGA.
             [Key words] dihydrotestosterone;dermal papilla;hair follicle miniaturization;hair follicle stem cell
                                                                           [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(11):1610⁃1616]

                  雄激素性脱发(androgenetic alopecia,AGA)是            过皮肤镜确诊。毛囊干细胞(hair follicle stem cell,
              临床上最常见的脱发类型,通常起病于青春期。近                            HFSC)  [3- 4] 和 真 皮 乳 头 细 胞(dermal papilla cell,
              年来该病有年轻化趋势,越来越多的儿童被发现患                            DPC)    作为毛囊中最重要的两种细胞参与了毛囊
              有 AGA     。在 AGA 发生发展过程中,携带 AGA 易                 周期循环。真皮乳头位于毛囊的基底部,在毛发周
              感基因的成年人雄激素敏感区(如男性前额和头                             期性更新过程中提供指令性信号,启动毛囊再生,
              顶、女性头顶部位)的毛囊在局部高浓度双氢睾酮                            真皮乳头主要由DPC构成,它的数量多少决定着毛
             (dihydrotestosterone,DHT)的刺激下,逐渐完成了                发直径和毛囊的周期循环,当DPC数量低于某一个
              终毛(毛干直径≥0.03 mm)向毳毛(毛干直径<                         阈值时,毛囊将不会进入生长期 。HFSC位于毛囊
              0.03 mm)的转换,这一过程称为毛囊微型化,目前通                       外毛根鞘的隆突区,被认为是具有多谱系分化潜力
             [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(81972919)                          和强大增殖能力的慢循环细胞 。本文具体阐述毛
              ∗                                                 囊微型化发生的相关机制,并简要综述最新发现的
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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