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第43卷第2期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2023年2月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·283 ·

               ·综 述·

                H3 G34突变的弥漫性半球胶质瘤研究进展

                田宇飞,季 晶      *
                南京医科大学第一附属医院神经外科,江苏 南京                  210029

               [摘   要] H3 G34突变的弥漫性半球胶质瘤是2021年WHO新定义的高级别胶质瘤,其标志性特征是H3F3A基因突变,导致
               [关键词] 弥漫性胶质瘤;组蛋白突变;临床特征
               [中图分类号] R739.41                   [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)02⁃283⁃08

                Research progress in diffuse hemispheric glioma,H3 G34⁃mutant
                TIAN Yufei,JI Jing *
                Department of Neurosurgery,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing MedicalUniversity,Nanjing 210029,China

               [Abstract] Diffuse hemispheric glioma,H3 G34⁃mutant is a high⁃grade glioma,which is newly defined by WHO in 2021,and its
                hallmark is the H3F3A gene mutation by exchanging glycine at position 34 of histone H3.3 for arginine or valine. This subtype occurs
                primarily in children and young adults and is clinically rare,of which the pathogenesis remains unclear. Imaging manifestations are not
                typical,and it is easy to be misdiagnosed and missed in the early stage. The diagnosis depends on immunohistochemistry and molecular
                pathology. Surgery is essential when it comes to treatment,supplemented by the postoperative radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
                Unfortunately,the prognosis remains poor. Here we reviewed the related research progress of this subtype in order to improve
                clinicians’understanding of the disease.
               [Key words] diffuse glioma;histone mutation;clinical characteristics
                                                                              [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(02):283⁃290]

                    胶质瘤是指由神经胶质细胞或其前体细胞癌变                          ma,HGG)。对 0~14 岁儿童来说,尽管 HGG 仅占所
                所产生的肿瘤,是一组各具异质性的神经肿瘤的                             有中枢神经系统(central nervous system,CNS)肿瘤
                统称 。根据其生长方式以及有无异柠檬酸脱氢酶                            的 11.1%,但其预后较差,5 年生存率只有 28.4% 。
               (isocitrate dehydrogenase,IDH)基因突变,可分为弥            主要发生于儿童群体的胶质瘤与成人胶质瘤在生
                漫性胶质瘤与非弥漫性/局限性胶质瘤两大类 。                            物学上有许多不同,但是在过去,儿童胶质瘤的分
                非弥漫性胶质瘤是指相对良性的、单纯手术治疗即                            类分级与成人胶质瘤基本一致,都采用组织学分
                可治愈的胶质瘤,如 WHO Ⅰ级的毛细胞星形胶质                          型。随着相关研究的深入,儿童胶质瘤分型也开始
                瘤。弥漫性胶质瘤则表现出更高的侵袭性,往往需                            采用组织学与分子生物学相结合的标准。在 2021
                要术后联合放化疗。其根据生长方式与恶性程度                             年的WHO CNS肿瘤分类中 ,儿童胶质瘤分类有了
                的不同,传统上又可分为 WHO Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级与Ⅳ级,                         较大的改动,取消了胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastoma,

                Ⅲ级与Ⅳ级合称为高级别胶质瘤(high grade glio⁃                   GBM)这一概念,取而代之的是儿童 HGG,包括 H3
                                                                  G34 突变型弥漫性半球胶质瘤(diffuse hemispheric
               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(81972153)                          glioma,H3 G34⁃mutant,H3 G34 DHG)、H3 K27 突变
                ∗                                                 型弥漫性中线胶质瘤、H3 与 IDH 野生型胶质瘤、婴
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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