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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第43卷第4期
               ·510 ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)  2023年4月



              高祥悦,姜 亚,李 飞,俞 汀,汤玉蓉,林                    琳 *
              南京医科大学第一附属医院消化科,江苏 南京                  210029

             [摘    要] 目的:根据功能性便秘(functional constipation,FC)患者临床资料分析内脏自主神经功能与便秘症状特征、心理状
              态及生活质量的相关性。方法:评估 102 例 FC 患者和 42 例健康对照者的一般资料、精神心理状态和心率变异性(heart rate
              偏向副交感神经张力组;比较各组间Zung’s焦虑自评量表(self⁃rating anxiety scale,SAS)和抑郁自评量表(self⁃rating depression
              scale,SDS)、便秘评分系统(constipation scoring system,CSS)和便秘患者症状自评量表(patient assessment of constipation symptoms,
              PAC⁃SYM)、便秘患者生活质量自评问卷(patient assessment of constipation quality of life,PAC⁃QOL)分值差异,同时比较不同
             [关键词] 自主神经功能;功能性便秘;情绪心理;便秘严重程度;生活质量
             [中图分类号] R574.62                    [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)04⁃510⁃08

              Correlation between autonomic nervous function and clinical manifestations of patients
              with functional constipation

              GAO Xiangyue,JIANG Ya,LI Fei,YU Ting,TANG Yurong,LIN Lin *
              Department of Gastroenterology,the First Affiliated Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

             [Abstract] Objective:The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations between autonomic nervous function and constipation
              symptoms,psychological status and quality of life in function constipation(FC)patients. Methods:The characteristics,psychological
              status and heart rate variability(HRV)test of 102 FC patients and 42 healthy controls were evaluated. Then the FC patients were
              divided into three groups according to the result of HRV test,the autonomic tone balance normal group,the balance severely
              sympathetic tone group and the balance severely parasympathetic tone group. The results of self⁃rating anxiety and depression scale
             (SAS/SDS),constipation scoring system(CSS)and patient assessment of constipation symptom(PAC⁃SYM),patient assessment of
              constipation quality of life(PAC⁃QOL)were compared among three groups. Meanwhile,anorectal manometry and electrointestinogram
              parameters were assessed. We also analyzed the potential association of PAC ⁃ QOL with ANS function,mental status,constipation
              symptoms in all the constipation patients. Results:Compared with the healthy control group,the scores of SAS and SDS in FC patients
              increased significantly. HRV test results showed that the abnormal rates of autonomic nervous function were higher in FC patients than

             [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(82170556)
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃mail:lin9100@
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