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               ·1492 ·                           南 京    医 科 大 学 学         报                        2024年11月

              urinary protein(24 h UPro),urinary albumin⁃to⁃creatinine ratio(mAlb/Cr),fasting blood glucose(FBG),total cholesterol(TC),
              triglyceride(TG),blood urea nitrogen(BUN),serum creatinine(sCr),and cystatin C(Cys C)were regularly monitored. Renal
              histopathological changes and degree of renal interstitial fibrosis were examined. Results:At week 16,there was no statistically
              significant difference in food intake and weight changes between LG⁃CKD and NG⁃CKD groups,and between LG⁃DKD and NG⁃DKD
              groups. At 16 weeks,the levels of BUN,sCr,and Cys C were significantly lower in LG⁃CKD than in NG⁃CKD(P=0.004,0.030 and
              0.010,respectively);the quantity of mAlb/Cr and 24 h UPro in LG⁃CKD group was significantly decreased(P=0.040 and 0.001,
              respectively),but the urine volume was significantly increased(P=0.043),compared with those indexes at 8 weeks. The urine volume
              in NG⁃CKD group was significantly decreased,compared with the LG⁃CKD group at 16 weeks(P=0.002). FBG was significantly lower
              in LG⁃DKD than in NG⁃DKD at 16 weeks(P=0.002). Renal histological study indicated that the kidney pathological injury degree of
              LG feeding mice was less than that of NG feeding mice,in both CKD and DKD mice,with statistical significance(P <0.05). The
              transcriptome analysis revealed the JAK⁃STAT pathway was involved in regulating CKD related kidney injury. Conclusion:LG rice
              feeding may control blood glucose fluctuations in DKD,delay the progression of renal dysfunction and fibrosis in CKD and DKD mouse
             [Key words] low glutelin rice;chronic kidney disease;diabetic kidney disease;renal function
                                                                      [J Nanjing Med Univ,2024,44(11):1491⁃1498,1509]

                  流行病学调查显示,全球约有14.3%的人群患慢                       肾功能恶化的作用,为CKD患者日常饮食和营养干
              性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD) ,2022年亚          预提供新的手段和理论依据。
                                                                1  材料和方法
              总数高达 1.598 亿,占全国人口的 10.8%,其中晚期
             [依据估算肾小球滤过率(estimated glomerular filtra⁃           1.1  材料
              tion rate,eGFR)<30 mL/(min·1.73 m )标准]患者数              本研究大米选用 LG 大米(LG 香粳,江苏农科
              量突破 2 640 万 ,2040 年 CKD 或将成为前 5 位死                院)和正常谷蛋白(normal⁃glutelin,NG)大米(南粳
              亡原因之一 。CKD 进展至终末期肾病(end stage                     46,江苏农科院),采用全自动凯氏定氮仪(Kjeltec
              renal disease,ESRD)后依赖透析或肾移植维持生                   8400,FOSS 公司,丹麦)测量米粉中的全氮含量,再
              命,给患者家庭和社会带来沉重负担。根据中国                             乘以换算系数 5.95 计算总蛋白含量。取精米粉
              CKD营养治疗临床实践指南(2021版),CKD 1~2期                     0.5 g,用提取液按顺序依次提取4种蛋白质,即清蛋
              糖尿病肾病(diabetic kidney disease,DKD)患者避             白(10 mmol/L Tris⁃HCl,pH 7.5)、球蛋白(1 mol/L
              免高蛋白摄入[>1.3 g/(kg·d)],建议蛋白质摄入量                    NaCl,10 mmol/L Tris⁃HCl,pH 7.5)、醇溶蛋白(体积
              为0.8 g/(kg·d),建议CKD 3~5期非糖尿病患者低蛋白                 分数为55%的正丙醇,10 mmol/L Tris⁃HCl,pH7.5)和
              饮食[0.6 g/(kg·d)]或极低蛋白饮食[0.3 g/(kg·d)],            谷蛋白(质量分数为0.24%的CuSO4·5H2O,1.68%的
              联合补充酮酸制剂 。我国广大居民习惯以大米为                            KOH,0.5%的酒石酸钾钠和体积分数为50%的异丙
              主食,稻米蛋白质含量约占糙米干质量的8%~10%,                         醇)。每次提取液用量为25 mL,室温下振荡2 h,其
              其中主要为可溶性谷蛋白(含量60%~75%),已超过                        后于4 000 g离心10 min。清蛋白、球蛋白和醇溶蛋
              KDOQI(Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Intiative)指  白的测定采用考马斯亮蓝法,谷蛋白的测定采用双
              南中关于肾脏疾病患者4%可溶性蛋白摄入量的要                            缩脲法,分别计算4种蛋白的含量和所占比例,用凯
              求 ,因而长期食用正常谷蛋白大米会加重CKD 患                          氏定氮仪测定的总蛋白含量对各组分含量进行换
              者的肾脏负担,更易发生ESRD。因此,本研究旨在                          算 。每个样品测定 3 次,取平均值。各组大米蛋
              研究低谷蛋白(low⁃glutelin,LG)大米延缓CKD 小鼠                 白含量见表1。
                                                     表1  两组大米蛋白含量
                                            Table 1  Rice protein content of the two groups          (g/100 g)
                  Variety(strain)    Albumin       Globulin    Alcohol⁃soluble protein  Glutelin   Total protein

                Low glutelin rice   0.53 ± 0.02   0.72 ± 0.04       4.47 ± 0.03      2.43 ± 0.05   8.15 ± 0.14
                Normal glutelin rice  0.51 ± 0.13  0.65 ± 0.05      1.78 ± 0.03      4.85 ± 0.12   7.79 ± 0.16
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