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第44卷第11期         金   霄,陈晓林,姚 静,等. 结核分枝杆菌Rv2647蛋白对肺组织损伤效应的初步研究[J].
                 2024年11月                    南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(11):1517-1524                      ·1523 ·

                 A                                                                        B
                            Control                  Ms                  Ms::Rv2647           100
                                                                                             (%)  60   *
                                                                                             Lung injury  40

                                                                                                    Ms  Ms::Rv2647
                   A:The HE staining of lung tissues were observed under microscope 30 days after tracheal infection with the Ms and Ms::Rv2647(1×10 CFU/
                mouse)in C57BL/6 mice(scale bar=100 μm).B:Comparison of lung tissue inflammation area(%)7 days after tracheal infection with the Ms and Ms::
                Rv2647(1×10 CFU/mouse)in C57BL/6 mice. P < 0.05(n=3).
                                                  图10 感染Ms后模型鼠肺组织损伤
                                          Figure 10 Lung injury of model mice infected with Ms

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