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第44卷第11期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                 2024年11月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·1541 ·




                严雨桐,刘雨晴,马国栋,周 梅,孙 敏,杨宇宏                      *

                南京医科大学第一附属医院内分泌科,江苏 南京 210029

               [摘   要] 目的:探索基线血清脂联素和瘦素与原发性醛固酮增多症(primary aldosteronism,PA)靶器官损害和术后临床转归
                度,依据PA手术结局(primary aldosteronism surgical outcome,PASO)标准进行术后临床转归分型,分析脂联素和瘦素与靶器官
                脂联素和估算的肾小球滤过率(estimated glomerular filtration rate,eGFR)水平均高于临床未治愈组(P 均 < 0.05),体重指数
               (body mass index,BMI)、高血压药物限定日剂量值、高脂血症占比和糖尿病占比低于临床未治愈组(P均 < 0.05),两组间瘦素
                负相关(P 均 < 0.05),脂联素水平与靶器官损害指标无相关。多因素逐步 Logistic 回归分析显示,低 BMI(OR=0.422,95%CI:
                0.272~0.653,P < 0.001)和高脂联素(OR=1.359,95%CI:1.004~1.840,P=0.047)水平与临床治愈独立相关。进一步按BMI分层,
                在非肥胖 PA 患者中高 eGFR(OR=1.074,95%CI:1.023~1.127,P=0.004)和高脂联素(OR=1.816,95%CI:1.261~2.616,P=0.001)
               [关键词] 原发性醛固酮增多症;PA手术结局标准;靶器官损害;临床转归;脂联素;瘦素
               [中图分类号] R586.2                    [文献标志码] A                     [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2024)11⁃1541⁃09

                Correlation of serum adiponectin and leptin levels with target organ damage and
                postsurgical clinical outcomes of patients with primary aldosteronism

                YAN Yutong,LIU Yuqing,MA Guodong,ZHOU Mei,SUN Min,YANG Yuhong
                Department of Endocrinology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

               [Abstract] Objective:To investigate the correlation of baseline serum adiponectin and leptin levels with target organ damage and
                postoperative clinical outcomes of patients with primary aldosteronism(PA). Methods:A total of 68 PA patients who underwent
                unilateral adrenalectomy and had follow⁃up information for at least 6 months after surgery were included. Serum adiponectin and leptin
                concentrations were detected at baseline. Postoperative clinical outcomes were evaluated according to primary aldosteronism surgical
                outcome(PASO)criteria. The correlation of serum adiponectin and leptin levels with target organ damage and postsurgical clinical
                outcome was analyzed. Results:After surgery,28 patients(41.2%)with PA were clinically cured and 40 patients(58.8%)were not
                clinically cured. The levels of baseline adiponectin and estimated glomerular filtration rate(eGFR)in the clinically cured group were
                higher than those in the clinically uncured group(all P < 0.05),while body mass index(BMI),the daily defined dose value of
                hypertension medications,the proportion of hyperlipidemia and diabetes were lower(all P < 0.05). No difference in leptin levels was
                detected between the two groups. Leptin levels were negatively correlated with the E/A ratio and ankle⁃brachial pressure index(all P <
                0.05). Adiponectin levels were not correlated with target organ damage indicators. Multivariate stepwise logistic regression analysis
                showed that lower BMI(OR=0.422,95%CI:0.272-0.653,P < 0.001)and higher adiponectin levels(OR=1.359,95%CI:1.004-1.840,
                P=0.047)were independently associated with postoperative clinical cure. We further stratified patients based on BMI,and identified

               [基金项目] 江苏省科技计划专项资金(基础研究计划自然科学基金)青年基金(BK20220717)
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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