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第44卷第11期 谷志远,蔡 赟,陈欢欢,等. SurePath沉降式液基细胞采集技术应用于甲状腺细针穿刺细胞学诊断的
2024年11月 准确性评价[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(11):1550-1557,1580 ·1551 ·
SurePath⁃LBC was used for cytological diagnosis before surgery,and the cytopathological diagnoses were compared with the surgical
pathology results. 363 independent cytology reports were obtained from these patients. BRAF V600E mutation testing was also performed
on 264 cases. Results:Cytopathology suggested suspicious for malignancy(SM)in a total of 112 cases,including 110 cases of
suspected papillary thyroid carcinoma(PTC)and 2 cases of suspected medullary thyroid carcinoma(MTC). Among the 110 suspected
PTC cases,surgical pathology confirmed 106 cases as PTC,1 case as atypical adenoma,1 case as follicular thyroid carcinoma(FTC),
and 2 cases as well differentiated tumors of uncertain malignant potential(WT⁃UMP),with a diagnosis accuracy of 96.4%. Both cases
suspicious for MTC were confirmed as MTC by surgical pathology,with an accuracy of 100.0%. The overall accuracy for SM cases with
surgical pathology was 97.3%. 211 nodules were reported as“malignant,M”(210 PTC and 1 case MTC). Among 210 PTC cases,209
cases were confirmed by histology,and 1 case was confirmed to be atypical adenoma,yielding a diagnosis accuracy of 99.5%. The case
diagnosed as MTC by cytology was also confirmed as MTC by surgical pathology,with a diagnosis accuracy of 100.0%. The overall
diagnosis accuracy for suspected M cases with surgical pathology was 99.5%. The BRAF V600E mutation rates of SM and M cases were
82.3% and 95.5%,respectively. Among the seven nodules cytologically diagnosed as benign,final surgical pathology revealed 3 cases
of nodular goiter,2 cases of follicular tumors,and 2 cases of PTC. There were 23 thyroid nodules reported as atypia of undetermined
significance(AUS),19 cases of which were classified ase TI⁃RADS 4B or higer,with a BRAF mutation rate of 62.5%(10/16)and
an overall malignancy rate of 87.0%. In the 10 cases with nondiagnostic(ND)results,the BRAF V600E mutation rate was 57.1%(4/7),
with an overall malignancy rate of 50.0%. Conclusion:The SurePath⁃LBC method for preparing cytological specimens from thyroid
FNA for the diagnosis of SM or M showed high concordance with surgical pathological diagnosis. It is also accurately indicated specific
malignancy types. This technique has significant reference value for the preoperative diagnosis of thyroid nodules and is worth further
promotion and application.
[Key words] SurePath⁃liquid based cytology;fine needle aspiration;histopathology;accuracy
[J Nanjing Med Univ,2024,44(11):1550⁃1557,1580]
随着健康意识的提高及高分辨率超声的应用, 胞学制片 。南京医科大学第一附属医院内分泌科
甲状腺结节的检出率越来越高。南京 40 岁以上成 从2014年9月开始联合病理科将SurePath⁃LBC应用
年人甲状腺结节患病率高达 46.6% 。甲状腺结节 于甲状腺 FNA,前期研究提示 SurePath⁃LBC 联合传
的临床意义主要在于鉴别良恶性、评估功能状态及 统涂片可进一步提高FNA诊断率 [10] ,同时SurePath⁃
是否产生压迫症状,其中良恶性的鉴别备受关注。 LBC 的诊断率要高于传统涂片方法 [11] 。关于 Sure⁃
高分辨率超声检查可以辅助判断甲状腺结节的良 Path⁃LBC与手术病理诊断准确性的比较,仅有少数报
恶性 [2-3] ,但目前尚没有某一种超声特征能够很好 道 [12-13] 。本研究旨在通过与手术病理对比,进一步评
地提示恶性可能,均为不同超声征象的累积评分 估SurePath⁃LBC所得的细胞病理学诊断的准确性。
1 对象和方法
国内外各大指南 [4-6] 均推荐甲状腺细针穿刺(fine
needle aspiration,FNA)作为评估甲状腺结节良恶 1.1 对象
性的重要方法。通过FNA(必要时联合高危基因检 以手术名称中包含“甲状腺”为关键词在南京
测 [7-8] ),可以有效减少甲状腺结节患者的诊断性手 医科大学第一附属医院病案室进行检索,出院时间
术,避免过度治疗,使得医疗资源配置更加合理。 设定为 2019 年 1 月 1 日—12 月 31 日。共计检索到
细胞病理的采集制片方法决定了 FNA 标本的 2 037 份记录,去除资料不完整和非专科手术病例,
可读性和阳性率。目前主流的 3 种制片方法分别 共有 352 例患者纳入本研究,其中共计 363 个甲状
为传统涂片、膜式液基细胞制片和沉降式液基细 腺结节行超声引导下FNA,所有患者在穿刺前均签
胞制片 。沉降式液基细胞学制片利用梯度离心方 署知情同意书。本研究由南京医科大学第一附属
法将有效细胞成分沉降附着在玻片上,如美国 BD 医院伦理委员会审查批准(2020⁃SRFA⁃388)。
公司的 SurePath 沉降式液基细胞采集方法(Sure⁃ 1.2 方法
Path liquid⁃based cytology,SurePath⁃LBC)。有病理 1.2.1 甲状腺细针穿刺过程
学家认为 SurePath⁃LBC 所得细胞团三维立体感更 如前期研究描述 [10,14-19] :患者取仰卧位,以枕垫
强,在甲状腺 FNA 领域沉降式略优于膜式液基细 肩,暴露穿刺部位。使用75%的酒精进行消毒。采