Page 58 - 南京医科大学自然版
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               ·496 ·                            南 京    医 科 大 学 学         报                        2024年4月

                              A                                B

                                  60                              20
                                 (%)                              (%)
                                 LVEF  50                         LVGLS
                                       r=-0.043                         r=-0.133
                                       P=0.313                          P=0.002

                                     -1.0   -0.5     0     0.5        -1.0   -0.5     0     0.5
                                            lncIMT(mm)                       lncIMT(mm)
              C                               D                                E
                 2.5                                                               25
                                    r=-0.459                         r=-0.470                        r=-0.246
                                    P < 0.001                        P < 0.001                       P < 0.001
                 2.0                                                               20
                                                 e’cm/s)  12                      E/e’  15
                 E/A                             (
                 1.0                                9
                     -1.0   -0.5     0     0.5        -1.0   -0.5     0     0.5       -1.0   -0.5     0     0.5
                            lncIMT(mm)                       lncIMT(mm)                      lncIMT(mm)
                          The univariate correlation coefficient between lncIMT and LVEF(A),LVGLS(B),E/A(C),e’(D),and E/e’(E).
                                  图1 对数转化后的cIMT(lncIMT)与左心室收缩及舒张功能的相关关系
               Figure 1 Relationship between natural log⁃transformed cIMT(lncIMT)and left ventricular systolic and diastolic function

                                      表3 对数转化后的cIMT与左心室收缩及舒张功能的相关关系
                   Table 3 Relationship between natural log⁃transformed cIMT and left ventricular systolic and diastolic function
                   Echocardiographic parameter      Model 1               Model 2              Model 3
                                                 r         P           r         P           r         P
                   Systolic function
                     LVEF                      -0.043     0.313     -0.022     0.603      -0.026     0.538
                     LVGLS                     -0.133     0.002     -0.093     0.029      -0.087     0.041
                   Diastolic function
                     E/A                       -0.459    <0.001     -0.102     0.017      -0.078     0.068
                     e’                        -0.470    <0.001     -0.089     0.036      -0.071     0.096
                     E/e’                      0.246     <0.001      0.064     0.133       0.056     0.190
                 lncIMT is the natural log⁃transformed carotid intima⁃media thickness of the carotid artery. The correlation between LVEF,GLS,E/A ratio,e’and E/e’
              ratio and log⁃transformed cIMT was analyzed,and the r⁃coefficient represented the correlation between lncIMT and LVEF,GLS,E/A ratio,e’and E/e’
              ratio. Model 1 is an unadjusted and Pearson correlation analysis is used. Model 2 is adjusted for age,body mass index,sex,current smoking,alcohol
              intake. Model 3 is additionally adjusted for all covariates from model 2 plus systolic blood pressure,fasting plasma glucose,heart rate,eGFR and total
              cholesterol HDL⁃cholesterol ratio. Models 2 and Model 3 all use partial correlation analysis.

              一项基于性别差异开展的 cIMT 与舒张功能的研究                         OR=6.00,95%CI:3.20~11.25,P < 0.001),而在校正
              发现,在单因素分析中,cIMT 增厚与 E/A 减退相关                      混杂因素后,这种相关性仅在女性中存在(OR=3.22,
             (男性 OR=3.02,95%CI:1.67~5.44,P < 0.001;女性           95%CI:1.31~7.95,P=0.01)。本研究在单因素分析
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