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第44卷第4期         朱家敏,王姗姗,诸清逸,等. 妊娠期糖尿病孕妇孕前正常体重指数与妊娠结局的相关性[J].
                  2024年4月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(04):505-510                       ·507 ·

                                                     表1 各组患者一般资料比较
                                   Table 1 Comparison of general characteristics among among three groups

                              Variable                Group A(n=581)   Group B(n=922)   Group C(n=816)     P
                  Age(years,x ± s)                     31.12 ± 3.40     31.05 ± 3.59     31.44 ± 3.89     0.071
                  Pre⁃pregnancy BMI(kg/m ,x ± s)       19.31 ± 0.44     20.97 ± 0.56 *   22.90 ± 0.57 *△  < 0.001
                  Gestational week(weeks,x ± s)        39.32 ± 1.03     39.34 ± 1.01     39.44 ± 1.00     0.049
                  OGTT(mmol/L,x ± s)

                   Fasting                             04.56 ± 0.37     0 4.66 ± 0.36 *  0 4.74 ± 0.35 *△  < 0.001
                   1 h                                 09.44 ± 1.27     09.32 ± 1.37     09.18 ± 1.27 *   0.001
                   2 h                                 08.22 ± 1.27     07.98 ± 1.28 *   0 7.88 ± 1.16 △  < 0.001
                  GDM A2[n(%)]                          413(71.08)      711(77.11) *      675(82.72)     < 0.001
                  Insulin therapy[n(%)]                 243(41.82)      440(47.72) *      403(49.39) *    0.016
                  Dexamethasone therapy[n(%)]            36(6.20)         73(7.92)         51(6.25)       0.291
                  Antihypertensive drugs therapy[n(%)]   21(3.61)         52(5.64)         57(6.99) *     0.026
                  Intrapartum hemorrhage volume(mL,x ± s)  0357.04 ± 140.92  0362.36 ± 131.92  0372.28 ± 144.37  0.107
                  Postpartum hemorrhage volume(mL,x ± s)  0483.16 ± 200.92  0492.02 ± 182.14  0504.68 ± 194.38  0.106
                  Neonatal weight(kg,x ± s)            03.28 ± 0.36     03.37 ± 0.39 *   03.41 ± 0.39 *  < 0.001
                  Neonatal height(cm,x ± s)            49.97 ± 1.13     50.02 ± 1.15     50.11 ± 1.20     0.079
                   Compared with the group A,P < 0.05;compared with the group B,P < 0.05.
                高而增加(P < 0.05),胎盘早剥和新生儿低血糖症的                      变量的模型1中,孕前BMI与胰岛素使用率、降压药
                发生率随孕前 BMI 的升高而降低(P < 0.05)。两两                    物使用率、GDM A2 级、子痫前期、巨大儿发生率均
                比较发现,C 组子痫前期(5.02% vs. 1.89%)、巨大儿                 呈现显著正相关,与胎盘早剥、新生儿低血糖呈显
               (7.35% vs. 3.10%)的发生率高于 A 组(P < 0.05),新            著负相关;在调整协变量后的模型2中,所有结局均
                生儿高胆红素血症(5.15% vs. 2.82%)的发生率高于                   与孕前BMI存在相关性。具体OR值及95%置信区间
                B 组(P < 0.05)。其他妊娠结局两两比较差异无统                      见表4。
                                                                  3 讨    论
                2.3 GDM孕产妇孕前BMI与不良妊娠结局的相关性
                    将上述比较中差异有统计学意义的妊娠结局                               近年来,随着生活质量的提升以及饮食结构的
                及药物使用纳入Logistic回归模型分析,在未调整协                       改变,GDM 的发病率不断上升,其对母婴健康结局

                                                     表2 各组孕妇不良结局比较
                                   Table 2 Comparison of adverse pregnancy outcomes among three groups  [n(%)]
                              Variable                Group A(n=581)   Group B(n=922)   Group C(n=816)     P
                  Pre⁃eclampsia a                        11(1.89)         31(3.36)         41(5.02) #     0.002
                  Premature                              11(1.89)         12(1.30)         11(1.35)       0.439
                  Postpartum haemorrhage                 36(6.20)         49(5.31)         42(5.15)       0.415
                  Chorioamnionitis                       50(8.61)         76(8.24)         64(7.84)       0.605
                  Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy  8(1.38)          12(1.30)         05(0.61)       0.148
                  Polyhydramnios                         13(2.24)         27(2.93)         29(3.55)       0.153
                  Premature rupture of membranes        210(36.14)       313(33.95)       274(33.58)      0.341
                  Placenta previa                        06(1.03)         06(0.65)         11(1.35)       0.467
                  Placental abruption                    06(1.03)         06(0.65)         01(0.12)       0.022
                  Fetal distress                         47(8.09)         69(7.48)         72(8.82)       0.557
                   Compared with the group A,P < 0.05. a:There is a positive linear trend relationship between pre⁃pregnancy BMI level of GDM pregnant women
                and maternal adverse outcomes,i.e.,the higher the pre⁃pregnancy BMI of GDM pregnant women,the greater the risk of pre⁃eclampsia occurrence.
                b:There is a negative linear trend relationship between pre⁃pregnancy BMI level of GDM pregnant women and maternal adverse outcomes,i.e.,the higher
                the pre⁃pregnancy BMI of GDM pregnant women,the smaller the risk of placental abruption occurrence.
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