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第44卷第5期             曾   强,张在奎,孙乃双,等. TBK1对NLRC4炎症小体的作用及其机制研究[J].
                  2024年5月                    南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(5):595-603,614                     ·603 ·

                A                  B                 C                  D                  E
                   500     ***        400     ***         60     ***        60     **         (CFU/mL)  150 000  *
                   (pg/mL)  400       (pg/mL)  300       (pg/mL)  40       (pg/mL)  40        100 000

                   Serum IL⁃β  200    PCF IL⁃1β  200     Serum TNF⁃α  20   PCF TNF⁃α  20      Bacterial load in PCF  50 000
                     0                  0                 0                  0                     0
                         S.T S.T+AML        S.T S.T+AML        S.T S.T+AML       S.T S.T+AML           S.T S.T+AML
                 F                         G                                               H
                      100 000    ***                                                           (%)  40  **
                    Bacterial load in lung  (CFU/mL)  tissues  60 000  CD11b  20.0  CD11b  6.79  cells CD11b + /Ly6G +  30
                       80 000

                       40 000
                       20 000
                           0                                                                    0
                               S.T S.T+AML       Ly6G                  Ly6G                         S.T S.T+AML
                                                        S.T                 S.T+AML
                                               I              *
                                                  (%)  100             S.T
                                                  Survival rate  50

                                                      0   50  100  150  200
                   A-D:The IL⁃1β(A,B)and TNF⁃α(C,D)in serum and peritoneal cavity⁃flushed fluid(PCF)of mice were detected by ELISA kit(n=3). E,F:The
                bacterial load in PCF(E)and lung tissues(F)was measured(n=3). G:The proportion of neutrophils(CD11b /Ly6G )in mouse PCF was detected by
                                                                                   *     **        ***
                flow cytometry(n=3). H:The statistical chart of flow detection(n=3). I:The survival curve of mice(n=5). P < 0.05,P < 0.01,and  P < 0.001.
                                            图5 抑制TBK1可以增强小鼠抵抗S.T感染的能力
                                  Figure 5 Inhibiting TBK1 enhances the ability of mice to resist S.T infection

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                感染小鼠模型中,本研究发现 TBK1 抑制剂 AML 处
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                体抵御胞内细菌感染的新机制。                                                                   (下转第614页)
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