Page 83 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 83

第1期 总第102期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                2021年2月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)     · 77  ·

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                Application status and prospect of goal attainment scaling in health
                                                 service evaluation

                                  ZHANG Xinyu ,REN Jianping ,HE Mengyan ,REN Lixian     1
              1. Department of Health Management,School of Medicine,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121;2. School of Health
                                     Management,Jinzhou Medical University,Jinzhou 121001,China
                 Abstract:Under the background of Health China strategy,medical and health services have changed from
             disease⁃centered to health⁃centered,and the evaluation method of health service effect is particularly important.
             It was difficult to evaluate the effect of health services comprehensively by traditional service evaluation
             methods. This paper introduced the goal attainment scaling(GAS),which is one of the individual assessment
             methods. It also introduced the origin and development of GAS,and expounded the research status of GAS at
             home and abroad,including the application fields of GAS,such as patient level assessment,project effect
             assessment,acupuncture field of traditional Chinese medicine,etc. In the application of GAS,the main points
             to be paid attention to were the setting of discrimination index,determine the weight value in line with the
             patient’s own situation and the measurement of evaluation value. On this basis,the prospect of GAS in health
             service evaluation was put forward to promote the development of GAS.
                 Key words:goal attainment scaling;health service;evaluation method
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