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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                                第1期 总第102期
             · 82  ·                        Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年2月

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             Research on influencing factors of remote consultation based on DTPB⁃
                                                      PRT model

                                     XU Hui ,ZHOU Dian ,LUO Yijia ,TIAN Di ,WU Ye    3
               1. School of Health Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032;2. Dean’s Office,3. Personnel Office,the First
                                    Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230022,China
                 Abstract:To analyze the related causes of the use of remote consultations in community hospitals and
             prison hospitals,we randomly selected two primary hospitals that conduct telemedicine services with our
             hospital in Hefei to conduct on ⁃ site questionnaire survey. Based on the DTPB ⁃ PRT model and structural
             equation models,this study explored the influencing mechanism of patients using remote consultation from six
             dimensions: perceived usefulness and ease of use,perceived risk,social factors,perception of medical costs,

             subjective norms and behavioral intentions,and test the path relationship between model elements. The results
             show that the influence of community hospitals from large to small was patient attitude,social factors,
             subjective norms perceived usefulness,perceived risk,perceived ease of use and medical expenses. Assumptions
             based on medical costs in prison hospital patients are not tenable. And the factors affecting patients were found
             to be social factors,attitudes,perceived usefulness,subjective norms,perceived ease of use and perceived risk.
             Therefore,it is suggested that community hospitals should pay attention to reducing the price standard of
             telemedicine and improve the medical experience of patients,and strengthen patient awareness and improve
             their technical level and further promote the development of remote consultation in China.
                 Key words:DTPB⁃PRT model;remote consultation;community hospital;prison hospital;influencing factor
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