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第2期 总第103期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                2021年4月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)    · 143  ·

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                                (本文编辑:姜 鑫)

                  The legitimacy of medical personnel’s right to disclose epidemic


                                                ZENG Rihong,JIANG Baisheng
                              Institute of Medical Humanities,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                 Abstract:The timely disclosure of epidemic information is of great significance for effective prevention and
             control of the epidemic situation. As a group that is exposed to the epidemic situation earlier,medical personnel
             are given the right to disclose the epidemic situation information in various forms by the law. This right is free
             from interference and obstruction by other subjects. Jurisprudentially,the establishment of medical personnel’s
             right to disclose epidemic information is an inevitable requirement to realize the patient’s right to informed
             consent. In fact,the medical behavior is open to a certain degree. Epidemic information is a public information
             resource in a specific field,and medical personnel’s disclosure of the epidemic information is an objective
             requirement of the modern collaborative medical model. Logically,the sociality of medical personnel determines
             that they can decide to disclose the epidemic information within a certain range. The above ⁃ mentioned
             jurisprudence,reason,and sensibility support,influence,and permeate each other,which are the laws of
             clinical medicine and the common sense of social life.
                 Key words:epidemic information;right of disclosure;epidemic prevention and control;medical personnel
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