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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                  第4期 总第105期
             · 338  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年8月
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              The cultural differences between the east and the west embodied in the
                                                    anti epidemic

                                               WANG Luying ,HUANG Qiang    2
              1. School of Basic Medicine,Naval Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433;2. Procurement Management Department,the
                                                924 hospital,Guilin 541002,China
                 Abstract:Along with the global spread of the epidemic,different regions have launched different prevention
             and control measures against the epidemic,and different regions have different cultural situations. The eastern
             culture pursues the collective concept while the western culture pursues the individual concept. The eastern
             culture puts safety of life in the first place,and the western culture puts freedom in the first place. The eastern
             way of thinking advocates the world for the common good and harmony without uniformity,while the western way
             of thinking upholds the zero⁃sum game and the Cold War mentality. These three factors are the main reasons for
             the big difference between western and eastern measures.
                 Key words:COVID⁃9;cultural differences;human⁃oriented ideology;value order;thinking differences
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