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             第4期 总第105期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
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               Legislative improvement of the information disclosure mechanism of

                                           emergent infectious diseases

                                                        XIE Yanchen
                      School of Administrative Law,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China
                 Abstract:In the emergency management of infectious diseases,the information disclosure mechanism of
             epidemic situation plays an important role in the prevention and control of epidemic. The ideal mechanism of
             epidemic information disclosure should meet the requirements of accuracy,timeliness and necessity. However,
             through the analysis of the current laws and regulations,there are some disadvantages in the information
             disclosure mechanism of epidemic situation in China,such as the lack of operational provisions for the
             information disclosure of unknown epidemic situation,the different provisions for the main body of the
             information disclosure of epidemic situation,the urgent need to refine the content of the information disclosure
             of epidemic situation,and the unclear time limit for the information disclosure of epidemic situation. In
             addition,China adopts a hierarchical reporting mechanism,and it takes time to form scientific understanding of
             infectious diseases,which leads to the obstruction of the information disclosure mechanism. The Law on the
             Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases(Draft Revision for Comments)has made some responses to the
             above problems,but there is still room for improvement.Therefore,we should build a hierarchical information
             disclosure mechanism,classify the epidemic information,clarify the disclosure content and time limit,and
             establish a social participation mechanism of epidemic information disclosure, so as to provide better
             information guarantee for the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
                 Key words:infectious diseases;information disclosure of epidemic situation;legislative perfection
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