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第4期 总第105期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
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              Construction of a model of influencing factors of illegal events in drug

                                                     clinical trials

                                  CHEN Xianping ,ZHANG Jing ,WANG Zhuoyun ,LU Chao     1,3
                1. Hospital Management Teaching and Research Office,2. Department of Scientific Research,the Second Hospital of Anhui
              Medical University,Hefei 230601;3. School of Medicine,Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan 232001,China
                 Abstract:In order to deeply explore the factors that affect the occurrence of illegal events in drug clinical
             trials,this study used the grounded theory to sort out and analyze the illegal records of drug clinical trials
             during 2017—2019 in a large general hospital in Anhui Province and construct a model of influencing factors of
             illegal events in drug clinical trials. The results showed that“pre ⁃ control of drug clinical trial risks”and
            “prerequisite basis for drug clinical trials”had significant impact on the occurrence of plan violations. It is
             recommended to improve the research environment and resource conditions,strengthen the relevant training of
             researchers and research teams,and rationally design research plans. It is suggested to establish a safety
             monitoring system,improve the reporting and handling mechanism for adverse events,guide researchers to
             deepen the transformation of moral concepts, and provide some ideas and suggestions for reducing the
             occurrence of illegal events in clinical trials and controlling the quality of drug clinical trials.
                 Key words:grounded theory;illegal event;influencing factor
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