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第4期 总第105期                           南
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              Research on the present situation and demand of professional training
                  of community health staff managing patients with severe mental


                              LI Yahui ,ZHU Zhu ,CHEN Jiaying 1,3,4 ,HU Dan 1,3,4 ,TANG Weiwei 1,3,4
              1. School of Health Policy and Management,2. Science and Technology Branch,3. Institute of Healthy Jiangsu Development,
                                 4. Global Health Center,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                 Abstract:This study was aimed to investigate the present situation and potential problems of professional
             training for community health staff who were managing patients with severe mental disorders in Pukou district of
             Nanjing City. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 98 medical staff working in the community health
             services and analyses were conducted. The majority of the surveyed community health staff worked as part⁃time
             in managing patients with severe mental disorders. More than 90% of surveyed primary health care workers were
             general practitioners,and had high demand for professional training. The service ability of community health
             staff who were managing patients with severe mental disorders rarely met the need of their work at present. It is
             suggested to increase the number of such professionals(including public health and relevant clinical majors)

             according to the actual work need and conduct targeted training so as to improve the ability of community health
             staff in managing patients with severe mental disorders.
                 Key words:severe mental disorders;primary health manpower;community management
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