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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                  第3期 总第110期
             · 266  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2022年6月
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             Inspection and reconstruction of the risk exchange system for epidemic

                                              prevention and control

                                               CHEN Dan,SHAN Shuangshuang
                                   School of Law,Tianjin University of Commerce,Tianjin 300133,China
                 Abstract:As a way to resolve the risk of epidemic prevention and control,risk exchange has played an
             important role in dealing with the problems of information alienation and difficult decision⁃making in the process
             of epidemic prevention and control. China has developed risk exchange experience and practice in the
             prevention and control of COVID⁃19. Certainly,in the current epidemic prevention and control,there are still
             some problems,such as legal defects,fragmentation of risk exchange,asymmetry of risk exchange rights,
             alienated risk information due to excessive new media communication,lack of corresponding supporting
             mechanisms and so on. Therefore,based on the foreign experience in risk communication,it can be constructed
             from the aspects of repairing laws and regulations,improving the capacity building of the main team,balancing
             the rights and obligations of each main body,improving the implementation procedures of risk exchange for
             epidemic prevention and control,optimizing the aid system and so on.
                 Key words:epidemic prevention and control;risk communication;risk communication assessment
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