Page 39 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 39

第6期 总第113期                           南
                 2022年12月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 557  ·
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               On the legal guarantee of the social atmosphere of respecting medicine

                   and health in the new era: institutional principles, core steps and

                                                     complete paths

                                                        ZHENG Heyuan
                                        School of Law, Anhui Medical University, Hefei 230032, China
                   Abstract:The legal guarantee of the social ethos of respecting health care is an inherent requirement for
               the high⁃quality development of China’s public health. Following the guidance of the Chinese modernization
               rule of law, the mechanism of the legal guarantee of the social ethos regarding respecting healthcare includes
               deepening social consensus, standardizing behavior standards, and clarifying value goals. Most importantly, the
               rule of law should run through the whole governance process to regulate the subject’s behavior and guarantee
               development results. Under the new development stage, the legal guarantee of the social ethos of respecting
               healthcare must adhere to the overall promotion to sustain the social culture of respect for healthcare.
                   Key words:respecting health care;social ethos;legal guarantee;institutional principles;core step
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