Page 37 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 37
第1期 总第114期 南
2023年2月 Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) · 31 ·
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1995,59(1/2):65-79 (本文编辑:姜 鑫)
The study of the world assumptions and irrational beliefs of college
students and their impact on traumatic grief after bereavement
HUANG Fajie ,TIAN Weicui ,CHEN Yujia ,LIAO Meiling ,LIN Zhenxiu 1
1. School of Health,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou 350122;2. Health Management Department,Fujian Health College,
Fuzhou 350101;3. School of Nursing,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou 350122,China
Abstract:This study explores the changes in the belief system and world view of college students after
bereavement and their traumatic grief to provide a basis for understanding their emotional problems and offering
psychotherapies. 940 college students from 6 universities in Fujian Province were investigated using the world
view scale(WAS),life orientation questionnaire(LOT⁃R),irrational belief scale(BRBI),irrational belief scale
(IBS)and trauma grief questionnaire(TGI). Results showed that:Firstly,the“impartiality”of the“bereavement
group”was significantly lower than that of the control group(t=- 1.97,P<0.05),and the randomness of the
“bereavement group” was significantly higher than that of the control group. The irrational beliefs and
bereavement⁃related irrational beliefs were significantly higher than those in the control group(t=2.93,7.08,8.36,
P<0.01). Secondly,there was a significant negative correlation between“self⁃worth”and traumatic grief in the
bereaved group(r=-0.18,P<0.01). Moreover,irrational beliefs and irrational beliefs related to life orientation
and bereavement were positively correlated with traumatic grief(r=0.17,0.41,0.40,P<0.01). Thirdly,the
bereavement ⁃ related irrational beliefs in the“bereavement group”can significantly predict the response to
traumatic grief(B=0.63,0.21,P<0.01;R =0.201). In conclusion,university students’assumption of“world
meaningfulness”and irrational beliefs are changed after the loss of a university student ,but only irrational
beliefs significantly predict their response of traumatic grief. Therefore,it is essential to apply Rational Emotive
Behavior Therapy in counselling when dealing with the traumatic grief after the loss of a university student,and
the key lies in handling those following irrational beliefs.
Key words:bereavement;world assumption;irrational belief;traumatic grief;rational emotion behavior