Page 43 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
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第1期 总第114期 南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
2023年2月 Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) · 37 ·
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A cross⁃lagged study based on absolute belief,catastrophic belief and
symptoms in obsessive⁃compulsive disorder
ZHAO Xiaole,XU Jingwen,YANG Huimin,CHEN Tunong,XU Shu
Department of Medical Psychology,Affiliated Brain Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China
Abstract:This study selected ninety⁃nine outpatients and inpatients with obsessive⁃compulsive disorder
(OCD)in Nanjing Brain Hospital for two longitudinal follow⁃up surveys with an interval of 3 months to explore
the relationship between absolute belief,catastrophizing beliefs and obsessive⁃compulsive symptoms and their
interactions. We adopted the Yale⁃Brown Obsessive⁃Compulsive Scale(Y⁃BOCS)to measure the severity of
obsessive⁃compulsive symptoms; the Absolute Belief Scale and Catastrophic Belief Scale to assess the level of
beliefs; and the Obsessive ⁃ Compulsive Belief Questionnaire(OBQ) to measure obsessive ⁃ compulsive beliefs.
Bootstrap results revealed that catastrophizing beliefs fully mediated between absolutizing beliefs and obsessive⁃
compulsive symptoms in patients diagnosed with OCD,with a mediating effect size of 0.02 (95% CI: 0.01~
0.03). The cross ⁃ lagged regression showed that the absolute beliefs related to others in the pretest had a
significant predictive effect on both self⁃evaluation(β=0.238,P<0.05)and others’evaluation(β=0.278,P<0.05)
of catastrophizing beliefs in the posttest. In conclusion,catastrophizing beliefs of OCD patients may fully
mediate between absolutizing beliefs and obsessive ⁃ compulsive symptoms. The others related factor in
absolutizing beliefs predicts the belief levels of both self⁃ and others⁃rated factors in catastrophizing beliefs.
Key words:absolute belief;catastrophic belief;obsessive⁃compulsive disorder;cross⁃lagged study