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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                 第2期 总第115期
              · 122  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2023年4月
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                  The changes in long⁃term care in Germany under the social market

                                            economy and its implications

                                                          QI Tianjiao 1,2
               1. Institute of European Studies,2. Center for Sino⁃German Cooperation,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China
                   Abstract:Social market economy emphasizes that while protecting competition and maximizing market
               mechanisms,the government should intervene appropriately to ensure social justice. The establishment of
               German long ⁃ term care services reflects the state’s emphasis on social justice. Since the system not only
               includes redistribution in the form of insurance benefits but also involves the provision of social services,
               market participation inevitably needs to be considered. The balance between social justice and market efficiency
               has been reflected in establishing the Pflege ⁃ Versicherungsgesetz. With the changes in society,the system
               continues to evolve,bringing a gradual skew in the balance between social justice and market efficiency. The
               rising proportion of personal burden coupled with the increasing trends toward marketization of professional care
               institutions have increased social inequality. Therefore,market efficiency has been placed in a more crucial
               position in the long⁃term care system,thereby weakening social justice to a certain extent. China should further
               improve institutional construction,financial sustainability,and service supply to balance social equity and
               market efficiency better.
                   Key words:social market economy;long⁃term care;Germany;implications
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