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                    The effect of long⁃term care insurance on out⁃of⁃pocket medical


                                                     ZUO Jiji,WANG Jingyu
                                        School of Management,Anhui University,Hefei 230601,China
                   Abstract:Long ⁃ term care insurance provides an opportunity to break the dilemma under the practical
               problem of the moderately aging population and rising medical costs in China. Based on data from China Health
               and Retirement Longitudinal Study(CHARLS)in 2011,2013,2015 and 2018,this paper analyzes the impact
               of the first batch of long⁃term care insurance pilot policies on the out⁃of⁃pocket medical expenses of target
               groups in pilot cities using the Difference ⁃ in ⁃ Difference method. The results showed that long ⁃ term care
               insurance significantly reduced out⁃of⁃pocket medical expenses for the middle⁃aged and elderly population. The
               above empirical results have passed a series of robustness tests. Furthermore,the effect of long ⁃ term care
               insurance on reducing out⁃of⁃pocket medical costs is more significant in urban and western areas. The empirical
               results of this paper have practical implications for extending the pilot range of long⁃term care insurance and
               refining the treatment design.
                   Key words:long⁃term care insurance;out⁃of⁃pocket medical expenses;Difference⁃in⁃Difference method
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