Page 57 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
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第4期 总第117期                           南
                 2023年8月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 349  ·
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               Research on the influencing factors of public participation in volunteer
                   service for public health emergencies in the context of risk society

                                   JIANG Yunjie,ZHU Yanyue,ZHANG Huijuan,ZHOU Chenyu
                            School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                   Abstract:Under the context of a risk society,it is necessary to mobilize social forces extensively,which
               will help to improve the efficiency of public health emergencies in emergency management to enhance social
               resilience in coping with various risks and crises. This research conducted one⁃on⁃one in⁃depth interviews with
               27 volunteers in three dimensions:“the induction/hindrance of volunteer service”“the motivation of volunteer
               service”and“the sustainability of volunteer service”,and then conducted open coding,axial coding and
               selective coding on text data. After conceptualizing and categorizing the content analysis,we formed three levels
               of individual volunteers,volunteer service process and external influencing factors and constructed a model of
               influencing factors on public participation in volunteer service behavior in public health emergencies. Research
               has found that the core factors affecting public participation in volunteer services for public health emergency
               are: motivation for participation,organizational characteristics,interpersonal interaction,incentive mechanism,
               guarantee mechanisms,constraints,and service management. The findings have specific practical significance
               for improving the attractiveness and sustainability of volunteer services to the public,enhancing the quality of
               volunteer service work,and social emergency management capabilities.
                   Key words:public health emergency;volunteer service behavior;influencing factor;grounded theory
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