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南                                             第6期 总第119期
              · 572  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2023年12月
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                   Comprehensive evaluation of medical service capacity of tertiary

                              comprehensive public hospitals in Anhui Province

                                  ZHANG Xiaoli ,WANG Zhuoyun ,WANG Hanwen ,GU Weibo        1
                1. School of Health Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032;2. Department of Hospital Management Teaching and
                          Research Section,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230601,China
                   Abstract:A comprehensive evaluation of the medical service capacity of 33 tertiary comprehensive public
               hospitals in Anhui Province was conducted by applying entropy TOPSIS,osculating value method,and RSR to
               explore ways of improving the medical service capacity of tertiary comprehensive public hospitals in Anhui
               Province,and to provide scientific basis for further reformation of public hospitals. The ranking results obtained
               by the three evaluation methods are similar,the difference between the three levels of“good”“medium”and
              “poor”obtained from the graded results of the RSR method is statistically significant,and there is a large gap
               between hospitals of different levels. Most of the tertiary comprehensive public hospitals in Anhui Province are at
               an average level of medical service capacity with regional differences between northern Anhui,central Anhui,
               and southern Anhui. Further improvements should be made to the process of consultation services,reasonable
               control of medical costs,and optimization of healthcare resource allocation.
                   Key words:medical service;entropy TOPSIS method;osculating value method;RSR method;comprehensive
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