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南                                             第2期 总第121期
              · 154  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2024年4月
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                     Discussion on the construction and renovation strategies of the

                 integration of medical and elderly care facilities in urban community

                                            based on demand orientation
                                                WANG Anqi,CHEN Xin,XUE Yu
                            School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                   Abstract:From the perspective of residents,this article interprets the construction of community and
               family elderly care facilities in urban areas of China,combines residents’needs to understand the shortcomings
               in the construction of elderly care facilities in urban areas,and explores corresponding optimization measures.
               The study conducted a questionnaire survey on urban community families in Jiangsu Province,to obtain the
               needs of residents for medical and elderly care integration. At present,there is a lack of awareness of aging⁃
               friendly transformation within urban households in China,and the effect of the construction of standardized
               elderly care communities is minimal, and the infrastructure configuration for the elderly population is
               insufficient. Both family elderly care and community home ⁃ based elderly care models occupy a mainstream
               position among different age groups, and residents’ needs for ageing ⁃ friendly home modifications are
               concentrated on healthcare,with the hope that the community where they are located will soon establish a
               comprehensive and standardized elderly care community. Based on these, we will explore strategies for
               constructing and renovating integrated medical and elderly care facilities.
                   Key words:elderly care facilities;demand⁃oriented;community home care;strategy research
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