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                                                    南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                 第2期 总第121期
              · 194  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2024年4月
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                    Study on influencing factors of hospitalization expenses of cross⁃

                        province cancer patients based on social⁃ecological theory
                                        SONG Tianyu,MA Rongfei,LI Zihang,TANG Zhiru
                             School of Health Service and Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,China
                   Abstract:This paper uses descriptive statistics and a mixed linear model to explore the social⁃ecological
               factors affecting the hospitalization expenses of cross⁃provincial cancer patients to understand the influencing
               factors of their hospitalization expenses based on the framework of social ecology theory. The results showed
               that patients with malignant tumors of digestive organs in cross ⁃ province medical treatment were the highest
               among sampled population(18.66 %),with the highest average hospitalization cost of tumors found in patients
               with uncertain or unknown dynamics(45 535.24 yuan). The hospitalization expenses were influenced by tumor
               types,personal behaviors like the length of hospitalization days in personal behavior,the distance of medical
               treatment at the environmental level,and the actual reimbursement ratio at the policy level(P < 0.05). The
               hospitalization cost of cancer patients in different provinces was relatively high,which was affected by many
               social and ecological factors. It is necessary to analyze the influencing factors of hospitalization expenses from
               both the individual perspective of cross⁃province cancer patients and the ecological environment in which they
               live,to rationally allocate health resources and guide patients to seek medical treatment in order.
                   Key words:cross ⁃ provincial medical treatment; social ⁃ ecological theory; hospitalization expenses;
               influencing factor;mixed linear model
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