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               第3期 总第122期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
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                      A study of outpatients’trust in doctors and influencing factors
                                LIANG Wenwen,LIU Zhiping,DAI Wenjun,CHEN Ren,CHENG Jing
                                  School of Health Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,China
                   Abstract:This study conducted a questionnaire survey to understand outpatients’trust in doctors and
               influencing factors,among outpatients in a tertiary hospital in Anhui province. The results show that non⁃first
               visits,perceived respect for the healthcare process,high trust in the physician group,overall high trust in the
               system benevolence,and technology dimensions positively affected the total physician trust score. High scores
               in the healthcare environment also had a positive effect on the total physician trust score and technical
               dimension scores. Compared to patients who perceived the doctor⁃patient relationship to be an active⁃passive
               model,those who perceived that the relationship should be a directive ⁃ cooperative model as well as a co ⁃
               participatory model patients scored higher on the benevolence dimension. Medical institutions should optimize
               the medical environment and focus on protecting patients’privacy. At the social level,we should promote group
               trust in doctors and enhance the sense of access to the health system. In addition,patients should be guided to
               participate in the diagnosis and treatment the process and correctly perceive the doctor⁃patient relationship.
                   Key words:outpatients;trust;influencing factor
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