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               第5期 总第124期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                             ·
                 2024年10月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 439
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                    大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2023,31(2):14-24                                             (本文编辑:姜 鑫)

                  A study on the threshold effect of population aging level and health

                                     resource allocation in OECD countries

                                             ZHOU Jianfang ,CHEN Yaner ,LIN Jie 2
                  1. Population Research Institute,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Jiangsu High Quality Development
                Comprehensive Evaluation Research Base,Nanjing 210042;2. Jiangsu Health Development Research Center,Nanjing 210042,
                   Abstract:This research collected 1 824 panel data from 32 OECD countries that have entered moderately
               or severely aging societies from 1965 to 2021 to analyze the threshold effect of population aging on health
               resources and the inherent laws of population aging level and health resource allocation,which provides
               references for China’s planning of health resources. The results showed that the level of population aging was
               significantly positively correlated with the proportion of health expenditure to GDP and the number of doctors
               per thousand population,but negatively correlated with the number of hospital beds per thousand population.
               There was a structural leap of 14.486% between the population aging level and the proportion of health
               expenditure to GDP,with the correlation coefficient increasing from 0.112 9 to 0.169 1. At 17.599%,there was
               a structural jump in the number of doctors per thousand population,with a correlation coefficient increasing
               from 0.008 2 to 0.025 9. There was no significant threshold effect between the level of population aging and the
               number of inpatient beds per thousand population during moderate to severe aging. We recommended that China
               first increase the training and investment in health human resources in moderately or severely aging regions,
               while other regions should plan in advance to cope with population aging actively.
                   Key words:population aging;OECD countries;health resources;threshold effect
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