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第42卷第11期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                 2022年11月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·1553 ·




                叶子萍,赵小静,焦春花,唐娜娜,张红杰,马晶晶                    *

                南京医科大学第一附属医院消化科,江苏 南京                 210029

               [摘   要] 目的:探讨克罗恩病(Crohn’s disease,CD)患者精神心理及迷走神经功能改变,并分析其与临床特征的关系,为CD
                功能,分析高频(high frequency,HF)、低频(low frequency,LF)、LF/HF 及HF/(HF+LF)数据。通过皮尔森相关分析及斯皮尔曼
                为 42.7%(53/124),抑郁发生比例为 27.4%(34/124);而对照组焦虑发生比例 8.7%(9/104),抑郁发生比例为 16.3%(17/104)。
                CD 患者焦虑、抑郁发生比例均显著高于对照组(P 焦虑<0.001,P 抑郁=0.046)。肛周手术史与 CD 患者焦虑评分呈正相关(OR=
                5.405,95%CI:1.213~24.085,P=0.027),疾病复发≥2 次也与 CD 患者焦虑评分呈正相关(OR=3.887,95%CI:1.242~12.166,P=
               [关键词] 炎症性肠病;焦虑;抑郁;迷走神经
               [中图分类号] R574.62                   [文献标志码] A                     [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2022)11⁃1553⁃07

                The correlation between the changes of psychophysiology and vagus nerve function and
                clinical characteristics in patients with Crohn’s disease
                YE Ziping,ZHAO Xiaojing,JIAO Chunhua,TANG Nana,ZHANG Hongjie,MA Jingjing
                Department of Gastroenterology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

               [Abstract] Objective:The aim of this study was to assess the disorder of psychopsychological and vagus nerve function in patients
                with Crohn’s disease(CD)and analyze the relationship with clinical characteristics of CD patients so as to provide evidence for the
                comprehensive treatment of CD. Methods:A total of 124 CD patients were enrolled in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical
                University between January 2014 and December 2018. A total of 104 healthy controls matched by age and sex were also included.
                Disease activities were evaluated by the Crohn’s disease activity index(CDAI). Anxiety and depression were assessed by Generalized
                Anxiety Disorder(GAD⁃7)and Patient Health Questionnaire(PHQ⁃9). Vagal nerve function was evaluated by heart rate variability
               (HRV)in 48 CD patients and 17 healthy controls. High frequency(HF),low frequency(LF),LF/HF and HF/(HF+LF)were analyzed.
                Pearson correlation analysis,Spearman correlation analysis and ordinal logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the possible
                link among the incidence of anxiety and depression,vagus nerve function and clinical features of CD patients. Results:Among the 124
                CD patients,the incidence of anxiety and depression was 42.7%(53/124)and 27.4%(34/124),which was significantly higher than that

               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(82070568)
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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