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第43卷第2期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2023年2月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·243 ·




                刘锦源 ,雍永宏 ,吴红平 ,单其俊 ,常               青 ,张艳娟 ,李明霞 ,季           玲  2*
                南京医科大学第一附属医院心胸外科,心内科,江苏                   南京 210029
                1                             2
               [摘   要] 目的:应用斑点追踪成像技术对左束支起搏(left bundle branch pacing,LBBP)与希氏束起搏(His bundle pacing,
                HBP)患者起搏器植入 1 年后左心室收缩功能及同步性进行评价。方法:获取 LBBP 患者(40 例)、HBP 患者(40 例)、对照组
               (40 例)标准心尖四腔、三腔、两腔和短轴二尖瓣、心尖水平图像;分别测量和比较LBBP、HBP患者与对照组纵向、圆周和径向
                应变、纵向应变达峰时间弥散度(peak strain dispersion,PSD)、左室扭转、心室间机械延迟时间(interventricular mechanical delay
                time,IVMD);计算和比较圆周应变达峰时间标准差(standard deviation of time to peak circumferential strain,T⁃sd⁃CS)、径向应变
                达峰时间标准差(standard deviation of time to peak radial strain,T⁃sd⁃RS)。结果:HBP 组短轴心尖平面T⁃sd⁃CS 大于对照组,其
               [关键词] 超声心动描记术;应变;应变达峰时间弥散度;左束支起搏;希氏束起搏
               [中图分类号] R540.45                   [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)02⁃243⁃06

                Evaluation of myocardial systolic function and synchrony in the patients with permanent

                left bundle branch pacing and His bundle pacing using ultrasound speckle tracking
                          1               2             2           2             2               2          2
                LIU Jinyuan ,YONG Yonghong ,WU Hongping ,SHAN Qijun ,CHANG Qing ,ZHANG Yanjuan ,LI Mingxia ,JI
                Ling 2*
                1 Department of Cardio⁃thoracic Surgery,Department of Cardiology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical
                University,Nanjing 210029,China

               [Abstract] Objective:We aimed to evaluate myocardial systolic function and synchrony in the patients with permanent left bundle
                branch pacing(LBBP)and His bundle pacing(HBP)one year after operation by ultrasound speckle tracking imaging. Methods:
                Myocardial imaging of 40 patients with LBBP,40 patients with HBP and 40 control subjects were collected. Regional peak systolic
                strain in longitudinal,radial,circumferential motion,time to peak circumferential strain,time to peak radial strain,peak strain
                dispersion(PSD),twist,and interventricular mechanical delay time(IVMD)were measured respectively. Standard deviation of time to
                peak circumferential strain(T⁃sd⁃CS)and standard deviation of time to peak radial strain(T⁃sd⁃RS)were calculated. The data was
                compared and analyzed among three groups. Results:The T⁃sd⁃CS of the HBP group in apical plane was larger than that of the control
                group,there were no significant differences between the HBP and control groups in other parameters. The QRS width of the LBBP
                group was longer than those of the HBP and control groups(P < 0.05). The T⁃sd⁃CS of the LBBP group in the apical plane was larger
                than that of the HBP and control groups(P < 0.05). The PSD of the LBBP group was larger than that of the HBP and control groups
               (P < 0.05). There were no significantly differences in radial strain,T⁃sd⁃RS,longitudinal strain,twist and IVMD among all groups.

               [基金项目] 江苏省高等学校自然科学重大项目(21KJB320003);江苏省卫健委科研项目(Z2019021,BJ20014)
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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