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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                                第1期 总第102期
             · 88  ·                        Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年2月

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                 Investigation on the signing of family doctors and service demand

                                        among the elderly in community

                                                     GU Ziwei ,HU Yue 2
             1. Asset Management Section,Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention,Shanghai 200336;2. School of Health
                                 Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                  Abstract:The study aimed to analyze the signing of family doctors and health service demand of the
             elderly over 60 years old in community in Nanjing and Wuxi,and to find out the existing problems and propose
             targeted improvement suggestions. Results showed that among the 533 elderly people,182(34.1%)signed family
             doctors,299(56.1%)did not sign family doctors,and 52(9.8%)did not know whether to sign family doctors.
             There were significant differences in the signing of elderly family doctors in terms of age,income level,spouse
             and education level of the elderly family doctors(P<0.05). It is necessary to rationally allocate health resources,
             strengthen the construction of general medical talents,strengthen family doctors signing services and community
             health education publicity,improve residents’cognitive depth and participation enthusiasm,improve the signing
             rate of family doctors,promote community health education,and improve the health level of the elderly in the
                  Key words:community;the elderly;family doctor;health service;health education
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