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                                                  南                                              第4期 总第105期
             · 326  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年8月
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              Research on the optimization of the medical liability insurance system

                                                        in China

                                                 ZHU Shuyao ,YANG Fang   2
               1. College of Law,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189;2. School of Medical Humanities Research Centre,Anhui Medical
                                                 University,Hefei 230032,China
                 Abstract:In order to solve the contradiction between doctors and patients,disperse the risk of compensation
             in medical institutions,and build a harmonious doctor⁃patient relationship,China has implemented a medical
             liability insurance system based on the experience of other countries. Although the system has achieved certain
             results,the implementation of the system is still unsatisfactory due to the short time of implementation of
             medical liability insurance and the lack of corresponding legal regulations and supporting policy incentives. In
             the era of smart medical care,China should improve relevant legislation,ensure its effective implementation
             through administrative means,promote insurance companies to intervene in the mediation of medical disputes,
             construct multi ⁃ level medical risk burden mechanism, and fundamentally overcome the lack of market
             development in the operation of the medical liability insurance system. The lack of scientific design of insurance
             products has promoted the healthy development of medical and health services in China.
                 Key words:medical liability insurance;medical risk sharing mechanism;smart medical care;doctor ⁃
             patient relationship;system construction
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