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                                                  南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                  第5期 总第106期
             · 450  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年10月
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              Research on the rationality,legal risk and standardized management
                             of follow⁃up technicians participating in surgery

                                                        SHAO Zehao
                               Law School,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China
                 Abstract:Follow⁃up technicians are medical staff who provide auxiliary medical behavior and are responsible
             for treating patients during surgery. Follow⁃up technicians participating in surgery is reasonable because it can
             meet the actual needs of patients,medical institutions,and medical device companies. However,due to the
             lack of standardized management,this is liable to infringe the legitimate rights and interests of patients,
             damage the credibility of the medical industry,intensify the contradiction between doctors and patients,and
             cause the legal risk of administrative punishment and even criminal punishment. Standardized management of
             follow⁃up technicians does not mean canceling their settings,but to let them accept the management of the
             authorities, implement the follow ⁃ up technicians qualification examination and practice the qualification
             certificate system under the premise of clarifying the nature of their behavior and subject status. Medical
             institutions should establish the follow ⁃ up technicians file and an assessment mechanism. Medical device
             companies also need to take responsibility to categorize and manage follow⁃up technicians and strengthen their
             skill training. In the end,a standardized management system for follow technicians can be established with the
             cooperation of multiple parties.
                 Key words:follow⁃up technicians;medical behavior;legal risk;standardized management
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