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             第5期 总第106期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
               2021年10月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 473  ·
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                  16(6):428-431                                                               (本文编辑:姜 鑫)

               Study on the operation efficiency and its influencing factors of public
                                              hospitals in a province

                                    SONG Jiaming ,WANG Xinyuan ,HUANG Xiaoguang      1,2
               1. School of Health Policy and Management,2. Institute of Healthy Jiangsu Development,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing
                 Abstract:To analyze the operation efficiency of a public hospitals and the influence factors from the
             perspective of the attribute category and year of hospitals. The health statistics reports of public hospitals from
             2015—2019 was collected. The data envelopment analysis(DEA),the Malmquist model and Tobit regression were
             used to analyze the impact of five attribute categories and years of region,hospital grade,institution type,
             affiliation,hospital size on the operation efficiency of public hospitals in the province. The results showed that
             hospital grade,affiliation and scale were the main factors affecting the operation efficiency of public hospitals in
             the province. The rise of technical efficiency change index was the fundamental reason for the rise of total factor
             productivity index in public hospitals. There was positive correlation between grade and public hospital
             efficiency,promote“upgrading”. Public hospital efficiency of different affiliations were different,and policies
             should be classified. The scale size was negatively related with public hospital efficiency,and the size of
             individual hospitals should be controlled. Hospital efficiency should be enhanced by improving hospital
             technical level and management ability.
                 Key words:public hospitals;operating efficiency;data envelopment analysis;Malmquist model;Tobit
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