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             第2期 总第109期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
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              The historical context,evolution characteristics and enlightenment of

                                       China’s public health diplomacy

                                                  CHENG Ting,TAN Zhimin
                                      School of Marxism,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071,China
                 Abstract:Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China,China’s public health diplomacy has
             experienced four stages: initial creation,reform and adjustment,rapid development and new development,and
             achieved a great leap from participating in global public health cooperation to leading global public health
             cooperation. In this evolution process,there are four characteristics: public health diplomacy has always been
             consistent with the line and policy of the Communist Party of China;the scope of communication has changed
             from local communication to comprehensive communication;the way of communication has changed from hard
             communication to soft communication;the diplomatic status has changed from participation to guidance. Taking
             history as a mirror,the promotion of public health diplomacy in the new era must adhere to the leadership of
             the Communist Party of China and obey the party’s diplomatic policy,keep pace with the times and improve
             the level of opening up in the field of public health,adhere to self⁃centered and master the voice of public
             health diplomacy,and adhere to independence and innovate the traditional public health governance model.
                 Key words:public health diplomacy;historical context;evolution characteristics
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