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                       Epistemology and enlightenment of poison and poisoning

                                  QIAN Yunliang ,ZHOU Jing ,WANG Ruotao ,SUN Chengye    1
                         1. National Institute of Occupational Health and Poisoning Control,China CDC,Beijing 100050;
                                   2. Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100013;
                           3. National Center for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention,China CDC,Beijing 100050,China
                 Abstract:Poison and poisoning are important concepts in medicine. However,there is great difficulty to
             define them in that the poison itself does not have the essence different from the non ⁃ poison. Toxicity
             determined by dose is not a species difference,but exists in the relationship between the poison and the
             subject,and it makes no sense to escape from the poison alone to define the poison. Poison and poisoning have
             played a very important role as explanations of etiology and disease,and medicine develops,this explanation is
             partially replaced by theories such as pathological anatomy,cytopathology and bacteriological theory. However,
             as an alternative hypothesis,poisoning as disease and toxicant as etiology are still need to be retained.
                 Key words:poison;poisoning;species difference;toxicity
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