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             第2期 总第109期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                2022年4月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 143  ·
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                          Effects of hearing status on depression in the elderly

                                          ZHOU Wenhui,WEN Yong,TANG Jiashan
                          College of Science,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China
                 Abstract:Based on data from the 2018 Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey(CLHLS),a
             moderated mediating model was established to investigate the mediating effect of social engagement on hearing
             status and depression,and whether the mediating effect was moderated by family emotional support. The results
             showed that:①Compared with the elderly without hearing impairment,the level of depression in the elderly
             with hearing impairment was relatively higher(b=0.082,P<0.001);② Social engagement played a partial
             mediating role in the relationship between hearing status and depression,and the proportion of mediating effect
             was 9.76% ;③ The relationship between hearing status and social participation was moderated by family
             emotional support(b=- 0.055,P<0.001). The higher the family emotional support,the lower the social
             participation of the elderly with hearing impairment,and the higher the social participation of the elderly
             without hearing impairment;④Family emotional support moderated the mediating effect of social participation
             on the relationship between hearing status and depression(Index=0.005,95%CI=0.002~0.008). Therefore,when
             the hearing loss of the elderly is identified,timely intervention should be provided. For families with high
             emotional support,it is suggested to patiently enlighten and comfort the elderly with hearing impairment,give
             them positive psychological support,encourage them to go out of their homes and participate in more social
             activities to avoid the occurrence of depression symptoms.
                 Key words:hearing status;depression;social engagement;family emotional support;the elderly
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