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第3期 总第110期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                2022年6月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 277  ·
                  249-262                                      [18] LITZ B T,STEIN N,DELANEY E,et al. Moral injury
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                  学伦理学,2013,26(2):263-264                                                     (本文编辑:姜 鑫)

              An analysis of the moral injury of military doctors in the war situation

                                        WANG Luying ,HUANG Qiang ,CHANG Yunli     1
               1. College of Basic Medicine,Naval Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433;2. Management of Procurement,The PLA
                                               924nd Hospital,Guilin 541002,China
                 Abstract:Military doctors are both soldiers defending the country and medical workers practice
             humanitarianism. The war situation has not only brought up the unique medical practice of military doctors in
             the filed,but also brought many ethical problems and moral perplexities to them,such as the selection of
             battlefield medical treatment,how to treat war prisoners,battlefield euthanasia and so on. These factors
             challenge the professional ethics of military doctors and are the source of moral injury. In this regard,we should
             fully respect the value of life,affirm military doctors the value of life actors challenge the professional,and
             shape strong moral resilience,and subsequently reducing the occurrence of moral injury.
                 Key words:moral injury;military doctors;the war situation
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