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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                  第4期 总第111期
             · 362  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2022年8月
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                  Interpretation and improvement of the standard of medical fault

                                         identification in the Civil Code

                                                     ZHANG Zhensheng
                                   Law School,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China
                 Abstract:Article 16 of the Judicial Interpretation on Liability for Medical Injury takes item 1 of Article
             1222 of the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China(Civil Code)as the main basis for the identification of
             medical faults,which changes the standard of“the medical level at that time”established by Article 1221 of
             the Civil Code. This leads to confusion in the identification standards of medical errors in our country. As far
             as the nature of Article 1222 of the Civil Code is concerned,Distinction Identification Theory is more in line
             with the logical relationship between Articles 1221 and 1222,and it also leaves room for medical institutions
             to put forward counter⁃evidence,which should be adopted. Drawing on the relevant legislative experience of the
             United States,Germany and Japan,China should further balance the proving role of various medical fault
             identification factors and make it clear that medical institutions can provide counte ⁃ evidence for violations of
             medical norms in legal presumptions. At the same time,the scope of laws,administrative regulations,rules,and
             diagnosis and treatment norms should be narrowed and interpreted. Efforts should be made to clarify the
             standards for identifying medical faults in our country and protect the legitimate rights and interests of both
             doctors and patients.
                 Key words:medical fault;medical regulations;distinction identification theory;medical level
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