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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版) 第6期 总第113期
· 534 · Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) 2022年12月
不依,另一方面是因为无法可依,对自由迁徙权进行 革提供了新的节点和契机,通过改革实现“不均衡
违法违规的极端化处理,表明尽快建立和完善良好的 —均衡”的动态均衡过程,也是以权利歧视悖论矫
自由迁徙契约关系是十分必要的。 治权利歧视的过程。
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发公共卫生事件造成了制度的不均衡,为制度改 (本文编辑:接雅俐)
Discrimination against individual rights and its paradox during the
public health emergencies
ZHANG Aijun,JI Xuan
School of Journalism and Communications,Northwest University of Political Science and Law,Xi’an 710122 ,China
Abstract:Discrimination of individual rights and its paradox during public health emergencies have the
universality of a normal society and the particularity of a risk society. The critical components of discrimination
include the discrimination of the right to life,human dignity,privacy,expression,and access to public health
care resources.“The discriminators are the discriminated” is the core of the paradox of human rights
discrimination. The paradox of human rights discrimination is the rational approach to overcoming this
discrimination and promoting individual rights. Individual rights discrimination in a public health emergency is
an obstacle to political development,economic prosperity,social progress,and cultural advancement. The
following basic measures should be taken to avoid individual rights discrimination: continuously strengthening
economic development and promoting bioethics education. We should also focus on enhancing the system of
fairness and justice,the contractual relationship system,the information flow system,and the emergency
management system.
Key words:public health emergencies;discrimination of rights;paradox