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                                                    南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                 第6期 总第113期
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                  Practical logic and model optimization of digital empowerment for

                                               community elderly care

                                WU Zhen,ZHANG Hangjing,TIAN Huiyi,WANG Xiaohe,ZHOU Siyu
                                 School of Public Health,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 311121,China
                   Abstract:The increasingly serious situation of population aging has promoted the transformation of the
               traditional elderly care model to the“smart elderly care”model. The article compares the development history
               and current situation of the“smart elderly care”model in Zhalangkou Street,Hangzhou. This article adopts the
               multi ⁃ layer nested application of social network,advocacy and social integration theories to explain the
               effectiveness and dilemma of the“smart elderly care”model in practice. It refines the core factors of this model
               in Zhalangkou Street to achieve the efficiency of health care integration,equalization of public services and
               digital empowerment innovation. The study also analyses the causes of inadequate resource allocation,lack of
               service awareness and difficulties in digital transformation. We propose countermeasures for systematic
               integration of resources,diversified promotion of services and digital precision with the expectation of providing
               a reference for developing and implementing digitally empowered community elderly care services.
                   Key words:smart elderly care;digitalization;community elderly care;social integration;advocacy and
               promotion;social network
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