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第2期 总第115期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                 2023年4月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 149  ·
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                    Effect of medical insurance package payment in compact county

                                       medical community on patient flows

                                                     WU Yixin ,LI Yueping 2
                            1. School of Health Management,2. Library,Fujian Medical University,Fuzhou 350122,China
                   Abstract:This study analyzed medical insurance package payment in the county medical community on
               patient flows by selecting a national pilot county medical community in Fujian as a sample population through
               descriptive analysis and interrupted time series analysis to study changes in the patient flow before and after the
               implementation of medical insurance package payment. The results showed that the outpatients’treatment
               volume and visit rate of the county were increasing,the decreasing trend of inpatient visit rate of the county
               slowed down;the outpatients’visit rate of basic ⁃ level medical institutions decreased,and the inpatients’
               treatment volume and visit rate of basic ⁃ level medical institutions also slowed down. Implementing medical
               insurance package payment in the county medical community helps to guide patients back to the county,while
               not yet promoting the patient flow to basic level medical institutions. It is necessary to further improve the
               mechanism of medical insurance package payment,the overall service capacity of the medical community,
               basic level medical institutions and implement the construction of the supporting systems to guide patients
               towards proper healthcare.
                   Key words:county medical community;medical insurance package payment;patient flow
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