Page 19 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
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第3期 总第116期 南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
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Research on the policy mechanism of medical insurance payment
reform to promote win⁃win situation among three sides of hospitals,
medical insurance and patients
LI Xiangfei ,ZHANG Zhen 2
1. School of Public Administration,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872;2. School of Economics and Management,
Tiangong University,Tianjin 300387,China
Abstract:This paper systematically searches policy texts of medical insurance payment reform at the
national level in China from 2009 to 2022,and uses the grounded theory research method to analyze 186
collected policy texts in three levels of coding to identify and extract the policy mechanism analysis framework
of medical insurance payment reform,therefore promoting win⁃win situation among three sides of“hospitals,
medical insurance and patients”. This paper aims to analyze the policy mechanism of medical insurance
payment reform to promote a win⁃win situation among three sides of“hospitals,medical insurance and patients”
and put forward policy suggestions for deepening reform in the future. After repeated analysis,comparison and
connection,this paper extracts 62 initial categories,11 subcategories,and 5 main categories from the policy
text. The results show that each concept and category is complementary and mutually reinforcing each other.
The five main categories of fund management,cost control,behavior change,resource allocation,and rights
and interests protection as different aspects in the reform,jointly promote the win⁃win situation. Based on the
policy text analysis combined with the practical problems encountered in promoting the reform of payment
methods in China,this paper proposes policy suggestions for achieving the win⁃win situation among three sides
of“hospitals,medical insurance and patients”from the above five aspects.
Key words:medical insurance payment reform;three⁃way win⁃win;policy text;grounded theory