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第2期 总第121期                           南
                 2024年4月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 167  ·
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                   The limited application of the crime of illegal practice of medicine

                                     under the substantive criminal law view

                                                    WANG Lei,WU Linsheng
                                        Law School,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China
                   Abstract:The qualification for medical practice is the legal prevention of the crime of illegal medical
               practice; the identification of the qualification status is the key to the application of the crime of illegal practice
               medical practice. The“single certificate theory”and“double certificate theory”which only consider the formal
               value, risk improperly expanding the application of illegal medical practice crime. The focus should be carried
               out around the legal interests and only the individual who infringes upon the legal interests of public health
               security can constitute the crime of illegal medical practices. When unqualified individuals and qualified
               medical practitioners jointly engage in medical activities,the behavior does not constitute the crime of illegal
               medical practice,and only if a qualified doctor who fails to guide and supervise the medical behavior may
               commit the crime of illegal medical practice.
                   Key words:crime of illegal medical practice;identity;legal interest;medical qualification
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